It’s that time of the month again. Another new release and this time, we’re at the final stop before our biggest release yet. Full SOAP process coming next!
For this update, it might not look that “big” when you download it but it’s a really BIG one for us.
It took us a long time to get this out BUT…

Landscape Mode is Finally Here.
- For many of you, you might not appreciate this mode because you’re so used to seeing landscape for every app you use but this took a lot of design and development work. It’s a total redesign from the ground up. We hope you’d enjoy it!
- This is just the first version of landscape. We’ll continue to improve it as we get more feedback. It’s one step closer to making this the best EHR/EMR in the Philippines.
- Take out your wallets and get yourself an iPad Pro + Keyboard. (There’s one thing that we didn’t change for landscape mode and it’s best shown only on iPad Pro. We will never tell you what it is!)
- Want to check ICD codes online? Want to check your reminders to see what you need to buy later at the grocery? Need to check the time in Alaska for some reason? Swipe and activate Multi-Tasking!
- Note: Don’t Play Games During a Patient Session. We’re Not Liable to Misdiagnosis. 🙂

All New Vitals Tab – Ignore the Sample Numbers In the Image 🙂
- Have staff that handle the vitals process? Check. Here you go!
- EVERYTHING you need to know, the new Vitals dashboard will show it perfectly.
- Edit and SHOW ONLY WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE. (Want this for your Patient Profile? It’s coming next. Wink)
- Track your patient’s results for each visit over time. Easily see it over charts.
- FINALLY, you can change the units!
- Something you won’t notice: By default, Head Circumference is not selected.
- How about the current Vitals note template? Say bye-bye to it in the next version. We will also MIGRATE ALL YOUR DATA from existing Vitals notes. Be sure to start using the new Vitals tab from now on.
- Our prescription template has gone a long way. It now has a better, more real world feel and format.
- Start date and overall duration are now optional and can be cleared.
- Drops? Ointments? Suppositories? We’ve added them all!
- More improvements to come again soon? Yes. Stay tuned.
- Time will now show AM and PM. For those that still get confused with military time.
- New Patient Waiver checkbox, just because you requested this.
- Increase the size of your text when you are typing!
- Can’t find your specialty? It’s there now. Go on, check it out!
- Can’t find the category you need for adding Health Records? It’s there now!
- Some graphical updates that you probably won’t notice but will just appreciate (Clinic, Calendar, Menu, etc)
- All NEW and Easier Support. We removed the feedback button. Now, all you need to do is leave us a message or even chat with us right there inside the app.
- We introduced this in version 1.3. Now, with that magical “Back” button!
- Multiple Imaging tests can be added separately!
- Added some more missing tests!
- Optimized the overall presentation of the popup and printouts.
And that’s it!
Sadly, we couldn’t include the medical certificate/clearance template in this version, but it’ll be included soon. More templates to come after we release 1.5.
How about the Merging tool and Archive/Delete tool? It’s being tested right now. We’ll let you guys know about it when it’s ready. It will only be added to the web app to minimize accidents. You don’t want to make it easy to delete patients in your app. We won’t be able to help you recover them if your 3 year old nephew manages to get ahold of your device.
We’re off to work on version 1.5. Actually, it’s already 30% done! We’ve already planned out everything all the way to version 1.8 and we CAN’T WAIT for you to see what’s coming.
Be sure to help us spread the word! Let other Filipino doctors and dentists (we’re going to make this more dentist friendly soon, so please keep using SeriousMD Doctors!) know about the app.
It’ll help speed up our development as well as polish up the bugs. The more you invite, the better the app will become.
If you have questions, let us know about them! Join the private group here & if you have testimonials to share, please let us know, it will give us that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Please drop us a 5-Star Review on the App Store if you are loving SeriousMD Doctors! Something as simple as that will go a long way.
For new signups: Do let us know what is stopping you from using the app. Just leave us a message using the app (support button at the lower left of the menu) OR just tap on that floating button at the bottom right of this page. ->