Every year around mid-December, we review the accomplishments for the year with the whole team and see what can be done better in the coming year.
We also take this time to plan out a release schedule for updates we plan to release as well for the coming year but that’s often just a guess. Unexpected things can throw a wrench in our plans at any time, so we have to be able to adjust with the things that happen.
With the pandemic, it has been a big adjustment as to how we work. It’s easy to assume that as a technology company, we would have things nailed down by now in terms of working remotely, but honestly, it’s still an ongoing struggle for us to adjust and balance. Things will get better as we continue to adapt to this new style of work and we’ll continue to improve the way we push out updates to SeriousMD and NowServing.
We saw a lot of new features this year and personally, I’m most excited to see the fruits of our work from the last 2 updates of 2021; COVID reporting and being able to release the update so that you can start receiving feedback from patients by January 2022 when we release it on the NowServing side. It may not sound like much, but I’m confident that you will find it super useful in the long run.
We also missed some targets this year that we wanted to be able to release by Q4. Sadly, there was just not enough time.
Good thing is, we’ve already started work on many of them, which means 2022 will be PACKED.
Now, speaking of 2022, for SeriousMD, I think I can share some things that are coming up:
- Messenger Overhaul
A few of you that were part of the testing process have seen this already. We’re rebuilding the SeriousMD Messenger from the ground up to be able to provide the things that you need to be able to communicate better with your patients. The current Messenger is part of our pre-COVID SeriousMD and back then, the use-cases of doctors were different. We’re finally able to get to this and update it and we can’t wait to get it out and get it in your hands.
- Sending Forms to be Filled Up
You’ll soon be able to send forms for patients to fill up and send back to you. This has been a long time coming but due to the structural issues that we needed to build first, we couldn’t just push this feature out. The team is finally able to push out the things needed on the NowServing side, so we can now start working on this feature.
- Tagging
Another feature we’ve been wanting to push out for the longest time. Similar to the one above, we needed to update a lot of things behind the scenes before we are even able to work on this.
- New HMO Integrations
A lot of new partnerships are currently on the table on the HMO side. A couple are slated to be finished within Q1.
- Calendar Overhaul
We have some legacy features from our pre-COVID days and they aren’t linked to the queue and calendar. We want to be able to integrate a lot of these older features and make them smarter moving forward. We also know the features you’ve all been asking for. I want them in the app, too. They will be in 2022. 🙂
I have 10 more on my list that I can share but I’ll probably share that at a different time.
Though the challenges never seem to stop coming for all of us, there are a lot of things to be thankful for this year.
We want to thank you for another year of trusting SeriousMD. We hope we’ve helped you become more productive with your practice and to be able to offer the care that your patients needed.
Cheers to a great 2022! May you have the best year yet.
Happy new year to you and your family, doc!
From your small but growing team here at SeriousMD.
Stay safe! ❤️ 🙏🏼