Dr. Achmida Guinal


Dr. Achmida Guinal


Hello Little Ones! Dr. Achmida Guinal-Noor is a graduate of a 3-year pediatric residency training program at Northern Mindanao Medical Center. I manage non-urgent and non-emergent Pediatric Cases (aged 0-18 years old) of Acute Gastroenteritis, Pediatric Community Acquired Pneumonia, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections , Dengue Fever, and Urinary Tract Infections among others. I can also advise for Well Baby check-ups, children’s vaccination and catch-up immunizations. I can issue medical certificates and medical clearance as necessary.

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9 Years



Hello Little Ones! Dr. Achmida Guinal-Noor is a graduate of a 3-year pediatric residency training program at Northern Mindanao Medical Center. I manage non-urgent and non-emergent Pediatric Cases (aged 0-18 years old) of Acute Gastroenteritis, Pediatric Community Acquired Pneumonia, Upper Respiratory Tract Infections , Dengue Fever, and Urinary Tract Infections among others. I can also advise for Well Baby check-ups, children’s vaccination and catch-up immunizations. I can issue medical certificates and medical clearance as necessary.

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

House of Baby Clinic

Poblacion Saguiaran

Monday to Thursday, Sunday

10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

(Walk-In and Appointment)



Fee: -


Mindanao State University- College of Medicine - Associate Professor


Mindanao State University, 2015

Northern Mindanao Medical Center, 2019


Passed- Nursing Licensure Examination 2010

Passed- Physician Licensure Examination- 2016


Mindanao State University- College of Medicine - Associate Professor