Dr. Aileen Jae Cabornay


Dr. Aileen Jae Cabornay


Our Obstetrician-Gynecologist is an advocate of women’s health. She will encourage you to celebrate the highs and lows of pregnancy. And will ensure a safe and wonderful pregnancy experience for you and your family. She offers holistic care every step of the way: starting with pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and even after delivery, such as breastfeeding and your recovery to your pre-pregnant state. Her specialization also involves the care of other women's health issues such as fertility concerns, menstrual struggles, and menopause. ✔️Pre natal check up ✔️Cesarean section (bikini cut or midline) ✔️Surgical and medical management for ovarian mass, uterine myoma, polyp (TAHBSO/ Myomectomy/ Polypectomy/ Cystectomy) ✔️Abnormal Menses (PCOS, myoma, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polyps, hormonal imbalance) ✔️ ultrasound requests ✔️ prescriptions ✔️ medical certificates ✔️ laboratory requests

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Our Obstetrician-Gynecologist is an advocate of women’s health. She will encourage you to celebrate the highs and lows of pregnancy. And will ensure a safe and wonderful pregnancy experience for you and your family. She offers holistic care every step of the way: starting with pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and even after delivery, such as breastfeeding and your recovery to your pre-pregnant state. Her specialization also involves the care of other women's health issues such as fertility concerns, menstrual struggles, and menopause. ✔️Pre natal check up ✔️Cesarean section (bikini cut or midline) ✔️Surgical and medical management for ovarian mass, uterine myoma, polyp (TAHBSO/ Myomectomy/ Polypectomy/ Cystectomy) ✔️Abnormal Menses (PCOS, myoma, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polyps, hormonal imbalance) ✔️ ultrasound requests ✔️ prescriptions ✔️ medical certificates ✔️ laboratory requests

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Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Reply Time Guarantee
Good Communicator
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 2 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday, Thursday to Sunday

10:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Tuesday to Wednesday

08:00 AM - 09:00 PM


P 300

Fee: P 300

BC Multispecialty Clinic

Burgos street, Mangatarem, Pangasinan

Monday to Wednesday, Saturday to Sunday

01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

(Walk-In and Appointment)


P 500

Fee: P 500


FEU - NRMF, 2015

Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Foundation, 2022

Earliest Available Schedule