Can I message you on your social media accounts?
Inquiries made through social media accounts regarding scheduling are often entertained. For clinic-related inquiries, the best venue would be through e-mail. However, clinic-related inquiries made to the doctor's personal account is strongly discouraged as social media is not a secure platform, especially for medical advice. BEST BET: E-mail us at
Do you issue Medical Certificates?
Medical certificates are issued upon request. Please note that this is an additional service and may entail a separate fee, unless the main purpose of the consultation is for Dermatology clearance for pre-employment purposes.
What if the doctor does not respond within the guaranteed time?
Please allow us 24-48 hours to respond to your requests. Should our team be unable to approve your request, your payment made through the NowServing pay wall will be refunded within the next few days. You may also contact the NowServing team through their Help chatbox to follow up on the status of your refund.