Dr. Angelie Milagrosa Regala


Dr. Angelie Milagrosa Regala


Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatologist

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Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology

9 Years

Aesthetic Dermatology



Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatologist

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)


09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

by appointment, please message via viber 09209201314

Friday to Saturday

04:00 PM - 09:00 PM

by appointment, please message via viber 09209201314


01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

by appointment, please message via viber 09209201314


P 500 - 600

Fee: P 500 - 600

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a typical session last?

A typical session lasts around 30 minutes per patient. It can take longer depending on the case and needs of the patient.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. Bookings may be made 3 hours before the desired time slot, at the latest.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge of 100PHP. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.

See all 5 questions

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine Academy of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology


University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center , 2012

Dermatology Institute Foundation of the Philippines, 2020


Diplomate of Philippine Academy of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology

Doctor of Medicine

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine Academy of Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a typical session last?

A typical session lasts around 30 minutes per patient. It can take longer depending on the case and needs of the patient.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. Bookings may be made 3 hours before the desired time slot, at the latest.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge of 100PHP. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.

See all 5 questions