Internal Medicine
Pulmonary Medicine
Choose from 4 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
Monday to Sunday
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Fee: P 500
Lot 1-B Cayetano Avenue (formerly Levi Mariano Avenue), Brgy. Ususan, Taguig City
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Accepted Health Cards
AVEGA, COCOLIFE Healthcare & 14 other...Fee: P 881
191 M. L. Quezon St,
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Accepted Health Cards
AVEGA, COCOLIFE Healthcare & 14 other...Fee: P 881
G/F SM Hypermarket, DBP Avenue, FTI Complex, Taguig
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Accepted Health Cards
AVEGA, COCOLIFE Healthcare & 15 other...Fee: -