Dr. Marie Antoinette Dellosa


Dr. Marie Antoinette Dellosa


Specializes in diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerves; manages headaches, dizziness, seizures, memory problems, body pains and weakness, movement disorders, sleeping problems.

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22 Years



Specializes in diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerves; manages headaches, dizziness, seizures, memory problems, body pains and weakness, movement disorders, sleeping problems.

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World Headache Society (WHS)
Philippine Neurological Association (PNA)
Reply Time Guarantee
Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Good Communicator
Caring Doctor
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 4 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Tuesday and Thursday

02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Please schedule appointment at least one day ahead. Time schedule may vary.


P 500 - 700

Fee: P 500 - 700

ACE Medical Center - Butuan

951 Ochoa Ave, Butuan City

Monday to Thursday, Saturday

09:30 AM - 12:00 PM

(By Appointment)

For appointments, please message at least one day ahead and wait for our confirmation. Thank you.


09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

(By Appointment)

For appointments, please message at least one day ahead and wait for our confirmation. Thank you.


P 500 - 700

Fee: P 500 - 700

Butuan Doctor’s Hospital

J.C. Aquino Avenue, Butuan City


02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

(By Appointment)

Please make an appointment at least one day ahead.


P 500 - 700

Fee: P 500 - 700

Manuel J. Santos Hospital

554 Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City


02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

(By Appointment)

Please make an appointment at least one day before.


P 500 - 700

Fee: P 500 - 700

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

It typically takes 24 hours for us to respond to a booking request, so please try to book ahead as much as possible.

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

Yes, you may book a face-to-face consultation at least one day prior.

See all 6 questions

Philippine Neurological Association

Philippine Medical Association

International Brain Research Organization


University of the Philippines- Manila, 2002

Philippine General Hospital, 2006

Fellow of the World Headache Society, conferred in Bangalore, India, 2022


Diplomate, Philippine Neurological Association

Fellow, World Headache Society

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Neurological Association

Philippine Medical Association

International Brain Research Organization

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

It typically takes 24 hours for us to respond to a booking request, so please try to book ahead as much as possible.

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

Yes, you may book a face-to-face consultation at least one day prior.

See all 6 questions