Charlene Joyce Panillos

RGC, RPsy - Psychologist & Counselor

Charlene Joyce Panillos

RGC, RPsy - Psychologist & Counselor

Dear Clients, Please be informed that counselors do not prescribe medicines nor provide medical certificate. If you have your preferred schedule, kindly include it in the booking details. Thank you and take care always.

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Counseling Psychology, Mental Health Counseling




Dear Clients, Please be informed that counselors do not prescribe medicines nor provide medical certificate. If you have your preferred schedule, kindly include it in the booking details. Thank you and take care always.

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Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday and Sunday

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Monday and Sunday

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Monday and Sunday

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Monday and Sunday

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Monday and Sunday

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM


P 1000

Fee: P 1000

Frequently Asked Questions

No Show Policy

If the client wasn't able to attend the first 15 minutes of the agreed schedule without any notice, the session will be tagged NO SHOW and the payment will be forfeited.


Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association

Psychological Association of the Philippines


Registered Guidance Counselor

Registered Psychologist

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Frequently Asked Questions

No Show Policy

If the client wasn't able to attend the first 15 minutes of the agreed schedule without any notice, the session will be tagged NO SHOW and the payment will be forfeited.