- Our online consultation service provides professional medical advice which may include drug prescription with instructions for proper dosage, laboratory requests, and psychoeducation. - The medical advice given by the doctor during the online consultation are for non-emergency cases and will be based on the information shared by the patient. It is NOT a substitute for cases that need actual physical assessment or tests. - Note that every online consultation is only for one patient at a time. - The patient (or guardian for minors/seniors) shall assume full responsibility for the information they provide to the doctor during the online consultation. - If you believe that you (or your child/senior under your care) need immediate medical attention, please go to the nearest medical emergency facility. - For those seeking consultation who are not yet of legal age, a written consent is needed from your parents or legal guardians.
12 Years
Choose from 1 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM
02:00 PM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Fee: P 1000 - 1500