11 Years
Choose from 1 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
Monday to Friday
01:00 PM - 10:00 PM
03:00 PM - 10:00 PM
P 1600 - 2000
Fee: P 1600 - 2000
Can I book a schedule today?
Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated.
How long does a typical session last?
A typical session lasts around 45 to 60 minutes per patient. It can take longer depending on the case and needs of the patient.
Do you accept international patients?
Philippine Psychiatric Association
Philippine Medical Association
Pampanga Medical Society
National Center for Mental Health, 2023
Physician Licensure Examination, 2014
Can I cancel my appointment?
Yes but confirmed appointments that are not canceled 24 hours before the scheduled date and time will not be refunded.
Do you issue Medical Certificates?
Yes. Note that there will be a separate charge for medical certificates. The medical certificates issued are not intended for medicolegal use.
What is your policy about No Show?
Patient who does not show up within the 15 minutes of their allotted time are considered NO SHOW, please take note that the fee is not refundable.
Which HMO's/Healthcards do you accept?