Dr. Cynthia Cosep

Licensed Medical Doctor

Dr. Cynthia Cosep

Licensed Medical Doctor

I am your friendly physician. Please message me or email me if you want a medical or surgical consultation. If you have problem with neck mass, breast mass, anal mass and hemorrhoids, gallstone problem, and hernia please message me to have a check up. I can issue you a medical certificate except fit to work and fit to travel certificate.

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Surgery and General Medicine



I am your friendly physician. Please message me or email me if you want a medical or surgical consultation. If you have problem with neck mass, breast mass, anal mass and hemorrhoids, gallstone problem, and hernia please message me to have a check up. I can issue you a medical certificate except fit to work and fit to travel certificate.

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Sunday

06:00 PM - 11:30 PM


01:00 PM - 03:00 PM


P 350 - 400

Fee: P 350 - 400

Earliest Available Schedule