Dr. Diane Malaso


Dr. Diane Malaso


Primary Care

4 Years



Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Healthbridge Medical Services, Inc.

9694 Kamagong St.

Monday to Friday

09:00 AM - 04:00 PM




Fee: -

Frequently Asked Questions

How does my company validate a medical certificate?

Validations may be done on either of the following contact information: dbmalasomd@gmail.com / +639687059926

Can I message you on your social media accounts?

To streamline and protect patients' records, official communications will only be done in-app. For inquiries about services, you may message me through my Facebook page, @dbmalasomd.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes, but depending on the nature/purpose of the document, and with an additional fee (Php 100.00).


APMC-SN National Medical Interns' Chapter

Philippine Medical Students' Association


San Beda University, 2020


PRC Board of Medicine


APMC-SN National Medical Interns' Chapter

Philippine Medical Students' Association

Frequently Asked Questions

How does my company validate a medical certificate?

Validations may be done on either of the following contact information: dbmalasomd@gmail.com / +639687059926

Can I message you on your social media accounts?

To streamline and protect patients' records, official communications will only be done in-app. For inquiries about services, you may message me through my Facebook page, @dbmalasomd.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes, but depending on the nature/purpose of the document, and with an additional fee (Php 100.00).