Dr. Edwin Elgincolin


Dr. Edwin Elgincolin


I am medical doctor expertise in the management emergency , intensive / critical and Occupational medicine. I worked in a foreign countries for 21 years as Medical Physician, And I think that all the tools that I have learned gave me a broad exposure in emergency, critical medical intervention and urgently gave immediate medications , advised laboratory Diagnostic imaging or while preparing for transfer to hospital

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43 Years

Critical care medicine

Family medicine



I am medical doctor expertise in the management emergency , intensive / critical and Occupational medicine. I worked in a foreign countries for 21 years as Medical Physician, And I think that all the tools that I have learned gave me a broad exposure in emergency, critical medical intervention and urgently gave immediate medications , advised laboratory Diagnostic imaging or while preparing for transfer to hospital

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Tuesday

12:00 AM - 08:00 AM

Emergency medical conditions in internal medicine, cardiovascular, pulmonary complaints


12:00 AM - 09:30 AM

Emergency medical conditions in internal medicine, cardiovascular, pulmonary complaints

Thursday, Saturday to Sunday

12:00 AM - 08:30 AM

Emergency medical conditions in internal medicine, cardiovascular, pulmonary complaints


P 650

Fee: P 650

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific medical valid reasons and after the consultation.


Philippines Medical Association


Virgen Migrosa University, 1981

Anesthesiology, 1989


Philippines Board of Medicine

Philippines Regulation Commission

Saudi Council of Medical Specialties

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippines Medical Association

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific medical valid reasons and after the consultation.