General/Family Medicine
14 Years
Choose from 1 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
Monday, Thursday to Sunday
08:30 AM - 12:00 PM
P 400 - 500
Fee: P 400 - 500
Can I book a schedule today?
Yes. As long as it is within clinic day and hours.
Can I message you via the NowServing app?
Yes. I try my best to reply as soon as possible.
Which HMO's/Healthcards do you accept?
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, 2010
How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?
I am usually on top of my schedule, so I say around 5-10 mins from the time the request was made.
Do I need to pay first to get an appointment?
Yes for the initial consult but for follow-up consults, I usually book them myself and you will be billed after the follow-up.
Do you issue Medical Certificates?
How long does a typical session last?
15-20 mins depending on patient's medical complaints.
Can I book a face to face consultation with you?
Currently no, due to personal circumstances.