Dr. Eugene Josef Jandoc


Dr. Eugene Josef Jandoc


I am a Primary Health Care Physician willing to extend my skills and knowledge to all individuals regardless of religion, age, gender and race. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to primary health care services regardless of their socio-economic and financial status. I am more than willing to provide health care at a very affordable cost and waive my medical services if needed. My experience in various clinics and hospitals has taught me to think quick in times of emergencies and cases. I believe that I can only do so much for my patients but ultimately, it is God who is our greatest healer.

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Primary Health Care / Occupational Health Physician

7 Years

General Medicine



I am a Primary Health Care Physician willing to extend my skills and knowledge to all individuals regardless of religion, age, gender and race. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to primary health care services regardless of their socio-economic and financial status. I am more than willing to provide health care at a very affordable cost and waive my medical services if needed. My experience in various clinics and hospitals has taught me to think quick in times of emergencies and cases. I believe that I can only do so much for my patients but ultimately, it is God who is our greatest healer.

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday to Sunday

07:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Wednesday and Friday

07:00 AM - 08:00 PM


P 300

Fee: P 300


Benguet Corporation Laboratories Physician

MOOG Controls Company Physician

Healthlink Laboratories Physician


Saint Louis University School of Medicine, 2017


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Doctor of Medicine

Earliest Available Schedule

Benguet Corporation Laboratories Physician

MOOG Controls Company Physician

Healthlink Laboratories Physician