Dr. Daproza-Rivera is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist who has been in practice for over 10 years. Her areas of expertise are Adult Comprehensive Ophthalmology (diseases, trauma, laser, refraction, and microsurgery of the eye); Eye Health and Wellness Education; as well as Tele-Ophthalmology. She is a member of the Philippine Medical Association, Cavite Medical Society, and the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology. Her main area of practice is in South Luzon, although, through EyeCare Online, she is able to service patients with non-urgent, non-emergency eye concerns nationwide.
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16 Years
Eye Diseases
Microsurgery of the Eye
Vision Correction
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(Using NowServing app)
08:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Subject to availability of slots
Monday to Wednesday, Saturday
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Subject to availability of slots
Thursday to Friday
01:30 PM - 09:00 PM
Subject to availability of slots
Accepted Health Cards
Etiqa, Maxicare & 2 other...Fee: P 560 - 700