Finished medical internship training at University of Santo Tomas Hospital and passed the October 2024 Physician Licensure Examination. Committed to apply evidence-based healthcare. 1. Adult and pediatric non-urgent cases 2. Medical Certificates (i.e. Fit-to-work/ Fit-to-travel) 3. Non/mild COVID cases 4. Prescriptions (new and refill) 4. Laboratory and diagnostic imaging requests and/or interpretation 5. Health education and Follow-up consultation
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General Medicine
1 Year
Choose from 1 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
Monday to Friday
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
New Patients
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
01:00 PM - 06:00 PM
New Patients and Follow-ups
Tuesday and Thursday
01:00 PM - 07:00 PM
New Patients and Follow-ups
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
New Patients, Follow-ups, and Vaccinations
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
New Patients, Follow-ups, and Vaccinations
Fee: P 214 - 262