Dr. Inocencio Alejandro


Dr. Inocencio Alejandro


Internal Medicine

34 Years

Geriatric Medicine




Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Reply Time Guarantee
American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 3 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)


03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Advanced payment is required; Walk-ins subject to availability.


01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Advanced payment is required; Walk-ins subject to availability.

Thursday and Saturday

09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Advanced payment is required; Walk-ins subject to availability.


P 1200 - 1500

Fee: P 1200 - 1500

St. Luke's Medical Center-Quezon City

279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard, Quezon City


09:30 AM - 02:00 PM

(By Appointment)

COVID vaccination and advanced payment are required. Please send copy,of your COVID vaccine card with your request for verification. We will reply with your bill.


P 1200 - 1500

Fee: P 1200 - 1500

University of Santo Tomas Hospital

Espana Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila


02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

(By Appointment)

COVID vaccination and advanced payment are required.


08:00 AM - 10:00 AM

(By Appointment)

COVID vaccination and advanced payment are required.


P 1200 - 1500

Fee: P 1200 - 1500

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

YES, after confirmation of receipt of the COVID vaccine primary series.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. If not accepted within 24 hours, your request will be automatically cancelled by the system.

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

Please allow 24 hours to receive a response. You may send a followup message, during the day, after 12 hours.

See all 6 questions

American College of Physicians, American Geriatrics Society

Philippine Medical Association, Philippine College of Physicians

Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine, Philippine Rheumatology Association

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine College of Physicians

Philippine Rheumatology Association

Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine

American College of Physicians


University of Santo Tomas, 1990

Howard University Hospital, 1995

University of Illinois at Chicago Affiliated Hospitals, 1998

University of Illinois at Chicago Affiliated Hospitals, 1998


Fellow, Philippine College of Physicians

Fellow, Philippine Rheumatology Association

Founding Member and Fellow, Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine

Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine

Philippine Specialty Board of Internal Medicine

Philippine Subspecialty Board of Rheumatology

ABIM - Geriatric Medicine

ABIM - Rheumatology

American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) - Internal Medicine

Certified in Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Geriatric Medicine (American Board of Internal Medicine)

Geriatric Medicine (ABIM)

Internal Medicine - American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)

Rheumatology (ABIM)

Earliest Available Schedule

American College of Physicians, American Geriatrics Society

Philippine Medical Association, Philippine College of Physicians

Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine, Philippine Rheumatology Association

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine College of Physicians

Philippine Rheumatology Association

Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine

American College of Physicians

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

YES, after confirmation of receipt of the COVID vaccine primary series.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. If not accepted within 24 hours, your request will be automatically cancelled by the system.

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

Please allow 24 hours to receive a response. You may send a followup message, during the day, after 12 hours.

See all 6 questions