Procedures & Interests: - Hip Replacement (Direct Anterior Approach) - Hip Fracture Surgery - Hip Arthritis & AVN - Knee Arthritis & Knee Replacement - Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Proud Member of Cebu Orthopaedic Institute (Serving Visayas & Mindanao Since 1999) My goal is to help patients get back quality of life!
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Orthopedic Surgery
15 Years
Hip & Knee Arthritis
Joint Replacement
Choose from 2 available clinics
(Using NowServing app)
Tuesday and Thursday
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Accepted Health Cards
AsianCare, AVEGA & 25 other...Fee: P 1000
Suite 401 4th floor Robinsons Cybergate
Monday and Friday
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
(By Appointment)
Accepted Health Cards
AsianCare, AVEGA & 25 other...Fee: P 1000