Dr. John Kelvin Lalusis is an internist and oncologist specializing in the treatment of a wide range of adult diseases and various cancers. He holds a Medical degree from the University of Santo Tomas and completed his medical internship at Veterans Memorial Medical Center. Dr. Lalusis underwent training through an Internal Medicine Residency and a Medical Oncology Fellowship at St. Luke's Medical Center. To broaden his knowledge in cancer treatment, Dr. Lalusis completed a clinical observership in pulmonary oncology at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Toulouse, France. There, he focused on the management of thoracic cancers, with a particular emphasis on lung cancer. An active contributor to cancer research and clinical trials, Dr. Lalusis remains dedicated to advancing the field of oncology and providing cutting-edge care to his patients.
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Internal Medicine - Oncology
8 Years
Lung Cancer
Oncology - Medical
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Monday to Sunday
08:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Fee: P 790