Kristina Camille Pacris-Quitevis

MS Psych, RPsy, RPm, LPT

Kristina Camille Pacris-Quitevis

MS Psych, RPsy, RPm, LPT

Ms. Pacris-Quitevis actively participates in programs and initiatives that promote mental health awareness within schools and communities. In her role as a University Psychologist, she supports students, faculty, and staff by providing counseling and psychological services tailored to the unique challenges faced in an academic environment. Additionally, she is an innovative Psychology instructor, skilled in integrating technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools to enhance learning experiences. With extensive knowledge of various assessment techniques and pedagogical strategies, she works with individuals and groups to foster sustained mental wellness and promote personal development.

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Ms. Pacris-Quitevis actively participates in programs and initiatives that promote mental health awareness within schools and communities. In her role as a University Psychologist, she supports students, faculty, and staff by providing counseling and psychological services tailored to the unique challenges faced in an academic environment. Additionally, she is an innovative Psychology instructor, skilled in integrating technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools to enhance learning experiences. With extensive knowledge of various assessment techniques and pedagogical strategies, she works with individuals and groups to foster sustained mental wellness and promote personal development.

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 2 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Friday

07:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Saturday to Sunday

09:00 AM - 11:00 PM


P 960 - 1200

Fee: P 960 - 1200

MS Gorospe Psychological Assessment Center

2nd Floor, Bantay Arcade, Bantay, Ilocos Sur

Saturday to Sunday

08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

(Walk-In and Appointment)


P 1500 - 3500

Fee: P 1500 - 3500

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

A Mental Health Certificate will be issued only after the completion of an appropriate psychological assessment and consultation. This certificate may be used for personal, academic, or employment purposes. Please note that an additional fee of Php 300.00 applies upon request.

How long does a typical session last?

A typical session lasts around 30-45 minutes per client. It can take longer depending on the case and the needs of the client.

See all 7 questions

International Affiliate, American Psychological Association

Member, Psychological Association of the Philippines (National)

Member, Psychological Association of the Philippines (North Luzon)


Master of Science in Psychology - Saint Louis University, Baguio City., 2019


PASSER, 2017 Board Licensure Examination for Psychometricians

PASSER, 2022 Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers

PASSER, 2023 Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists

Level 1 - Early Childhood Educator (Alberta, Canada)

Earliest Available Schedule

International Affiliate, American Psychological Association

Member, Psychological Association of the Philippines (National)

Member, Psychological Association of the Philippines (North Luzon)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

A Mental Health Certificate will be issued only after the completion of an appropriate psychological assessment and consultation. This certificate may be used for personal, academic, or employment purposes. Please note that an additional fee of Php 300.00 applies upon request.

How long does a typical session last?

A typical session lasts around 30-45 minutes per client. It can take longer depending on the case and the needs of the client.

See all 7 questions