Dr. Kristine Natalee Legaspi


Dr. Kristine Natalee Legaspi


Dr. Legaspi is a board certified Fellow of the Philippine Dermatological Society and an International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. You can benefit from Dr. Legaspi's 13 years experience in the practice of dermatology, mostly handling patients with chronic & recurrent immune-mediated diseases like skin asthma, different eczemas, psoriasis, lupus, and acne. Having been trained, board certified, and worked in different clinical settings in the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and United States, you can take advantage from all of her learning and training experiences to find a treatment plan tailor suited to your particular needs.

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14 Years


Procedural Dermatology



Dr. Legaspi is a board certified Fellow of the Philippine Dermatological Society and an International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. You can benefit from Dr. Legaspi's 13 years experience in the practice of dermatology, mostly handling patients with chronic & recurrent immune-mediated diseases like skin asthma, different eczemas, psoriasis, lupus, and acne. Having been trained, board certified, and worked in different clinical settings in the Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and United States, you can take advantage from all of her learning and training experiences to find a treatment plan tailor suited to your particular needs.

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Silver Award for Successful Consultations
Reply Time Guarantee
Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS)
Good Communicator
Caring Doctor
American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Friday

05:00 PM - 07:00 PM


01:00 PM - 03:00 PM


P 520 - 650

Fee: P 520 - 650

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes I do if requested and after an evaluation.

Which HMO's/Healthcards do you accept?

Not at the moment


Philippine Dermatological Society

Philippine Medical Association

American Academy of Dermatology


University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, 2005

General Dermatology - University of Santo Tomas Hospital, 2010

Acquired & Inherited Blistering Diseases, Dermatopharmacology, & Skin Cancers - St. George Hospital, Sydney Australia, 2014

Procedural Dermatology - National Skin Center, Singapore, 2013


Fellow Philippine Dermatological Society

Associate, International Society of Dermatology

International Fellow American Academy of Dermatology

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Dermatological Society

Philippine Medical Association

American Academy of Dermatology

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes I do if requested and after an evaluation.

Which HMO's/Healthcards do you accept?

Not at the moment