Lara Jessa Macaraeg

Guidance Counselor/Psychometrician/Mental Health Trainer

Lara Jessa Macaraeg

Guidance Counselor/Psychometrician/Mental Health Trainer

Counselor Lara graduated her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology as Cum Laude and topnotched the Board Licensure Exam for Psychometrician. She started her career as a College Instructor and Teacher Adviser to various school organization that allows her to serve in her community. These experiences earned her to serve in one of the country's leading mental health facility as a Senior Crisis Responder at the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH), while she finishes her Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling. She have also explored services to Drug Rehabilitation Centers and Home for the Girls in Region III. Now, as a licensed Guidance Counselor, Psychometrician, and Mental Health Advocate, she demonstrated her expertise in providing counseling support to young adults to adults with love/relationship issues, work-related concerns, emotional regulation problem, anxiety, psychosocial problems, stress management, and life crisis. Presently, she's focused in Employee Mental Health under Employee Assistance Program/EAP. She's a full-time TeleCounselor in one of the Fortune 6 Company under United Health Group and country's leading health service provider. With these years of experience in crisis management and psychosocial support, Counselor Lara have a significant contribution in bridging the gap between the public and mental health service.

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Guidance & Counseling, Psychometrics, Psychology

6 Years

Anger, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms

Employee Mental Health/Work and Career Counseling

Love/Relationship Issues, Psychosocial Support, and Wellness/Resilience

Review and Board Exam Test Taking Guide

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Stress Management and Emotion Regulation



Counselor Lara graduated her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology as Cum Laude and topnotched the Board Licensure Exam for Psychometrician. She started her career as a College Instructor and Teacher Adviser to various school organization that allows her to serve in her community. These experiences earned her to serve in one of the country's leading mental health facility as a Senior Crisis Responder at the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH), while she finishes her Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling. She have also explored services to Drug Rehabilitation Centers and Home for the Girls in Region III. Now, as a licensed Guidance Counselor, Psychometrician, and Mental Health Advocate, she demonstrated her expertise in providing counseling support to young adults to adults with love/relationship issues, work-related concerns, emotional regulation problem, anxiety, psychosocial problems, stress management, and life crisis. Presently, she's focused in Employee Mental Health under Employee Assistance Program/EAP. She's a full-time TeleCounselor in one of the Fortune 6 Company under United Health Group and country's leading health service provider. With these years of experience in crisis management and psychosocial support, Counselor Lara have a significant contribution in bridging the gap between the public and mental health service.

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Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)
Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, Inc. (PGCA)
Reply Time Guarantee
Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)


08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Schedule open for February 11, 2025


04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Kindly indicate, your preferred time and wait for the confirmation message.


02:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Kindly indicate, in the chief complaint box, your preferred time and wait for the confirmation message.


10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Kindly indicate, in the chief complaint box, your preferred time and wait for the confirmation message.

Monday to Wednesday

06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Kindly indicate, in the chief complaint box, your preferred time and wait for the confirmation message.


04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Kindly indicate, in the chief complaint box, your preferred time and wait for the confirmation message.


P 1080 - 1360

Fee: P 1080 - 1360

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide Psychological Assessment/Evaluation?

No. The service is limited to Virtual Counseling Support.

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

I will make every effort to respond as promptly as possible. Typically less than 12 hours.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

No. If you need a Medical Certificate in support of your mental health concern, please look for a Psychiatrist instead. Thank you.

See all 6 questions

Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association

Psychological Association of the Philippines


Certified Mental Health Trainer

Honor Graduate Eligibility (PD 907)

Registered Guidance Counselor

Registered Psychometrician(Topnotcher)

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide Psychological Assessment/Evaluation?

No. The service is limited to Virtual Counseling Support.

How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?

I will make every effort to respond as promptly as possible. Typically less than 12 hours.

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

No. If you need a Medical Certificate in support of your mental health concern, please look for a Psychiatrist instead. Thank you.

See all 6 questions