Dr. Maria Bernadett Carandang


Dr. Maria Bernadett Carandang


Dr. Carandang is a young psychiatrist whose approach to mental health is based on the biopsychosociospiritual model of health. In line with this philosophy, an emphasis in both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is recommended and tailored to each patient's presenting needs. Dr. Carandang is also a pioneer in the fandom-based approaches to mental health. She conducts individual psychotherapy and group decompression sessions with hallyu and otaku themes.

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General Adult Psychiatry

4 Years



Dr. Carandang is a young psychiatrist whose approach to mental health is based on the biopsychosociospiritual model of health. In line with this philosophy, an emphasis in both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is recommended and tailored to each patient's presenting needs. Dr. Carandang is also a pioneer in the fandom-based approaches to mental health. She conducts individual psychotherapy and group decompression sessions with hallyu and otaku themes.

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Bronze Award for Successful Consultations
Philippine Psychiatric Association (PPA)
Caring Doctor
Good Communicator
Clinic Schedules

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Medical Certificates may be given upon request. A medical clearance will require several consultations before it is issued. Please give yourself ample time for the clearance procedures. While Dr. Carandang is on leave, there will be limitations in releasing medical documents.

How long does a typical session last?

40-50 minutes are usually spent per consultation with maximum allowance of up to 60 minutes.

Can I book a schedule today?

All consultations are by appointment. The secretary shall advise regarding the earliest possible schedule.

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Philippine Medical Association- Quezon City Medical Society Chapter

Philippine Psychiatric Association- Diplomate

American Psychiatric Association- international Member

World Association of Social Psychiatry


University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, 2014

University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, 2021


Basic Course on Occupational Medicine

Diplomate of the Specialty Board of Philippine Psychiatry

Physician Licensure Exam


Philippine Medical Association- Quezon City Medical Society Chapter

Philippine Psychiatric Association- Diplomate

American Psychiatric Association- international Member

World Association of Social Psychiatry

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Medical Certificates may be given upon request. A medical clearance will require several consultations before it is issued. Please give yourself ample time for the clearance procedures. While Dr. Carandang is on leave, there will be limitations in releasing medical documents.

How long does a typical session last?

40-50 minutes are usually spent per consultation with maximum allowance of up to 60 minutes.

Can I book a schedule today?

All consultations are by appointment. The secretary shall advise regarding the earliest possible schedule.

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