Dr. Marie Charisse Jamero

Pediatrician , Occupational and Safety Physician, Masters in Hospital Administration

Dr. Marie Charisse Jamero

Pediatrician , Occupational and Safety Physician, Masters in Hospital Administration

General pediatricin ( Neonates till adolescent consults and fit for school) Occupational and Safety Physician ( BCOM certified for Employees.anx.Workers consults.for.Sickleaves, Fit to work for sick leaves, pre employment and APE

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General Pediatrica and Occupational.Medicine

16 Years

BCOM certified

General pediatrics (Neonates to adolescent ,Fit for school)

MARINA certified for OFW

Occupational medicine(Company employees and workers consult for sickleaves, Pre employment/APE \Sickleave fit to work)




General pediatricin ( Neonates till adolescent consults and fit for school) Occupational and Safety Physician ( BCOM certified for Employees.anx.Workers consults.for.Sickleaves, Fit to work for sick leaves, pre employment and APE

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Clinic Schedules

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge of 300. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.





FATIMA, 2005

National childrens hospital, 2009



Masters in Hospital administration




Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes. Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge of 300. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.