Dr. Mark Andrew Sarmiento


Dr. Mark Andrew Sarmiento



9 Years



Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Friday

06:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Saturday to Sunday

12:00 PM - 11:00 PM


P 900 - 1100

Fee: P 900 - 1100

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

At present, face-to-face clinics are not yet available. However, I intend to hold one by the first quarter of next year.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. If not accepted within the day, your request will be automatically cancelled by the system.

Do I need to pay first to get an appointment?

Yes, you will have to pay the fee before I will receive the request. This fee includes the examination of the patient's complaints, providing an accurate diagnosis, and the appropriate management and/or prescription. There will be additional fees for any other services offered during the consultation.

See all 10 questions

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine Society of Public Health Physicians


University of Santo Tomas, 2014

Makati Medical Center, 2024


Physician Licensure Examination - 2015

Earliest Available Schedule

Philippine Medical Association

Philippine Society of Public Health Physicians

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book a face to face consultation with you?

At present, face-to-face clinics are not yet available. However, I intend to hold one by the first quarter of next year.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated. If not accepted within the day, your request will be automatically cancelled by the system.

Do I need to pay first to get an appointment?

Yes, you will have to pay the fee before I will receive the request. This fee includes the examination of the patient's complaints, providing an accurate diagnosis, and the appropriate management and/or prescription. There will be additional fees for any other services offered during the consultation.

See all 10 questions