Can I book a face to face consultation with you?
Yes, only if you don't have any COVID related symptoms.
What if the doctor does not respond within the guaranteed time?
If the Doctor missed his appointment with you, you have the option to request for a refund or to re-schedule.
In cases of possible delays on your appointment, please monitor your Now Serving App message box for updates.
For further assistance, please contact Michaella Datulayta: 09102673490
How long do I need to wait to get a response to my booking request?
Our response could take 15 minutes to 1 hr, depending upon the volume of patients in queue.
Should we fail to respond to your within the said period of time,
Please contact Michaella Datulayta: 09102673490
Which HMO's/Healthcards do you accept?
Yes, I accept the following HMOs for online consultations: Intellicare, Avega, Maxicare, and Kaiser
Can I book a schedule today?
You may indicate your preferred schedule upon booking but it will still be subject to the availability of time slots.
Do you issue Medical Certificates?
Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.
Take note that a medical certificate is a legal document affixed with my signature so there will be an additional charge.
1.) HMO PATIENTS: P100 (Inclusive of initial certificate and subsequent fit to work clearance if needed).
Can I message you via the NowServing app?
Yes. Response time however is subject to the availability of the Doctor /Secretary.
Your Doctor will only respond to further clarifications/advise related to the subject of your most recent online consultation within the last 24 hrs. Beyond the said period, kindly book for an official appointment for your Doctor to attend to your concerns.
For other concerns and further assistance, please contact Michaella Datulayta: 09102673490
Can I message you on your social media accounts?
Please keep all consult-related questions here on this platform. For any new concerns, please book another appointment.
Do I need to pay first to get an appointment?
Yes, you will have to pay the fee before I will receive the request.
The consultation fee includes only the following: examining the patient regarding the complaint, giving the correct diagnosis, and giving the appropriate management/prescription. There will be additional fees charges to you for any additional services offered during the consultation.
Please take note, that an additional service fee depending upon your chosen payment channel (Ex. GCash, PayMaya, Instapay) maybe charged by SeriousMD during the online payment process.
How long does a typical session last?
10 to 15 mins.