Dr. Nilo Vergara


Dr. Nilo Vergara


Specializes in Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Brain Surgery and Endoscopic Spine Surgery; Training on Cerebral and Ventricular Neuroendoscopy in Naples, Italy; Ventricular and Skull Base Endoscopy in Orlando, Florida, USA; Endoscopic and Endoscope Assisted Neurosurgery under Full HD Visualization in Greifswald, Germany; Minimally Invasive Cranial Course in UC San Diego, USA ;Combined Ventricular and Skull Base Endoscopy Course in Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA; Anatomically Based Endoscopic Course (Spine) in Lukang, Taiwan; Purely Endoscopic Surgery of the Lumbar Spine in Denver, Colorado, USA; Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain and Spine at VSMMC, Cebu, City; New Generation Neuroendoscopy Advanced Dissection in Budapest, Hungary and Debrecen, Hungary; Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base in The Medical City Pasig; Spine Course in Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA; Endonasal Endoscopy in Taipei, Taiwan

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Endoscopic and MInimally Invasive Brain and Spine Surgery



Specializes in Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Brain Surgery and Endoscopic Spine Surgery; Training on Cerebral and Ventricular Neuroendoscopy in Naples, Italy; Ventricular and Skull Base Endoscopy in Orlando, Florida, USA; Endoscopic and Endoscope Assisted Neurosurgery under Full HD Visualization in Greifswald, Germany; Minimally Invasive Cranial Course in UC San Diego, USA ;Combined Ventricular and Skull Base Endoscopy Course in Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA; Anatomically Based Endoscopic Course (Spine) in Lukang, Taiwan; Purely Endoscopic Surgery of the Lumbar Spine in Denver, Colorado, USA; Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain and Spine at VSMMC, Cebu, City; New Generation Neuroendoscopy Advanced Dissection in Budapest, Hungary and Debrecen, Hungary; Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base in The Medical City Pasig; Spine Course in Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA; Endonasal Endoscopy in Taipei, Taiwan

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 2 available clinics

Cebu Doctor's Unversity Hospital

President Sergio Suico Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City

Monday to Saturday

11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

(Walk-In and Appointment)


P 500

Accepted Health Cards

AVEGA, Aventus & 29 other...
See all health cards

Fee: P 500

Chong Hua Hospital

Don Mariano Cui cor. Governor Julio A. Llorente St., Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City

Monday to Saturday

08:00 AM - 02:00 PM

(By Appointment)



Fee: -


International Federation of Neuroendoscopy

Association of Filipino Neurosurgeons

Cebu Medical Society

Philippine Medical Association


Cebu Institute of Medicine,

University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center,


Diplomate, Philippine Board of Neurological Surgery

Fellow, Academy of Filipino Neurosurgeons

Fellow, Philippine College of Surgeons

Member, International Federation of Neuroendoscopy

Earliest Available Schedule

International Federation of Neuroendoscopy

Association of Filipino Neurosurgeons

Cebu Medical Society

Philippine Medical Association