Dr. Nini Angelica Siringan


Dr. Nini Angelica Siringan


Services: Patient Consult FREE Medical Certificate FREE Fit to Work/Class FREE Prescription Refills FREE Laboratory and Diagnostic Request Pre- Employment (may need laboratory results as case to case basis)

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General Medicine

1 Year



Services: Patient Consult FREE Medical Certificate FREE Fit to Work/Class FREE Prescription Refills FREE Laboratory and Diagnostic Request Pre- Employment (may need laboratory results as case to case basis)

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Government Accredited Doctor
Reply Time Guarantee
Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Sunday

04:00 AM - 10:30 PM


P 220

Fee: P 220

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes and it is given for FREE after consultation as per patient's request. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated.

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.


Far Eastern University - Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation, 2022


Pharmacist Licensure Examination

Physician Licensure Examination

Earliest Available Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions

Do you issue Medical Certificates?

Yes and it is given for FREE after consultation as per patient's request. Medical certificates are not part of insurance coverage and shall only be given for specific valid reasons and after the consultation.

Can I book a schedule today?

Yes. As long as there is an available schedule, requests for appointments will be immediately accommodated.

Can I message you via the NowServing app?

Yes, you can send me a message through the NowServing app once I already accepted your appointment. You will receive a reply as soon as possible.