Orthopedic Surgeon, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Lower limb replacement, General Orthopedics
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Hip, Knee, and Ankle replacement, Foot and Ankle surgery, General Orthopaedics
9 Years
Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot surgery
Choose from 3 available clinics
(Book through https://patriciodumlaoiii.setmore.com) 4M-10, 4th floor, Porta Vaga Mall, Session Road, Baguio City
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
08:30 AM - 11:30 AM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Kindly message 0945-2302676 for appointments https://patriciodumlaoiii.setmore.com
04:30 PM - 07:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Kindly message 0945-2302676 for appointments
Fee: -
Wangal-Motorpool Road
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Contact 0950 123 6325 for appointments and inquiries https://patriciodumlaoiii.setmore.com
Fee: -
4A & B01 SM Baguio Cyberzone Building (Front of Sunshine Park), Upper Harrison Road, Baguio City
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Please call or send a message to 09473423661. For landline please call 6205828. https://patriciodumlaoiii.setmore.com
09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
(Walk-In and Appointment)
Please call or send a message to 09473423661. For landline please call 6205828.
Accepted Health Cards
AVEGA, COCOLIFE Healthcare & 3 other...Fee: -