Philipp Chen Tan

MA, RPsy

Philipp Chen Tan

MA, RPsy

Chen Tan is a clinical psychologist and founder of Inner Peace PH, a Cebu based psycjological clinic. He has completed his masters degree at the University of San Carlos and his Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology from The School of Positive Psychology, Singapore. He is also certified as a Mental Health First Responder and instructor, which allows him to effectively manage crisis situations with his clients. In practice, Chen specializes in trauma and attachment-informed therapies that aid his clients from all sorts of psychological trauma. Some modalities he uses include EMDR, compassion focused therapy, and positive psychotherapy. More details about Chen here:

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Clinical Psychology

6 Years

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

EMDR Therapy

Trauma Counseling



Chen Tan is a clinical psychologist and founder of Inner Peace PH, a Cebu based psycjological clinic. He has completed his masters degree at the University of San Carlos and his Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology from The School of Positive Psychology, Singapore. He is also certified as a Mental Health First Responder and instructor, which allows him to effectively manage crisis situations with his clients. In practice, Chen specializes in trauma and attachment-informed therapies that aid his clients from all sorts of psychological trauma. Some modalities he uses include EMDR, compassion focused therapy, and positive psychotherapy. More details about Chen here:

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 2 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)

Monday to Friday

09:00 AM - 04:00 PM


09:00 AM - 11:00 AM


P 2500 - 3000

Fee: P 2500 - 3000

Inner Peace PH

Advent Business Center, Acacia St., Camputhaw

Monday to Friday

11:00 AM - 04:00 PM

(By Appointment)


09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

(By Appointment)


P 2500 - 3000

Fee: P 2500 - 3000


Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)

Global Clinical Practice Network (GCPN)


University of San Carlos, 2017

Earliest Available Schedule

Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)

Global Clinical Practice Network (GCPN)