Reyxielle Tomas


Reyxielle Tomas


A Registered Psychologist specializing in psychological assessment, counseling and psychotherapy for individuals, managing concerns such as anxiety, depression, stress-related symptoms, and emotional and behavioral challenges.

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Clinical Psychologist

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Emotional and Behavioral Concerns

Mental Health Certification

Mental Health Consultation

Pre-Employment Assessment

Psychological Assessment



A Registered Psychologist specializing in psychological assessment, counseling and psychotherapy for individuals, managing concerns such as anxiety, depression, stress-related symptoms, and emotional and behavioral challenges.

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Clinic Schedules

Choose from 1 available clinics

Online Clinic

(Using NowServing app)


07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Saturday to Sunday

07:00 PM - 09:30 PM


P 1300

Fee: P 1300

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide medical prescriptions?

No. Psychologists do not provide medical prescriptions. Prescribing medication is the responsibility of the Psychiatrists.

Do you accept minor clients?

Yes, but certain conditions must be met, such as PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT and PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT, to ensure ethical and legal compliance.

Do you issue a Mental Health Certification?

Yes. I can provide a mental health certification after just one session IF ONLY for basic purposes such as: pre-employment and school accommodations. For more complex cases, at-least multiple sessions are required to conduct a thorough evaluation.

See all 5 questions

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

Earliest Available Schedule

Psychological Association of the Philippines

Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide medical prescriptions?

No. Psychologists do not provide medical prescriptions. Prescribing medication is the responsibility of the Psychiatrists.

Do you accept minor clients?

Yes, but certain conditions must be met, such as PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT and PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT, to ensure ethical and legal compliance.

Do you issue a Mental Health Certification?

Yes. I can provide a mental health certification after just one session IF ONLY for basic purposes such as: pre-employment and school accommodations. For more complex cases, at-least multiple sessions are required to conduct a thorough evaluation.

See all 5 questions