Dr. Red Recio, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology at the De La Salle University-Manila and Doctor of Medicine at the St. Luke’s College of Medicine-William H. Quasha Memorial and Our Lady of Fatima University-College of Medicine. He finished his Post-Graduate Internship at the Adventist Medical Center-Manila and successfully passed the Physician Licensure Examination in August 2004. He specialized in Dermatology at the Medical Skin Health Training Foundation, Inc. and the Institute of Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine-Manila. With his exposure in Occupational Medicine, he underwent Special Studies in Contact and Occupational Dermatology at the Institute of Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine-Manila. He continued further trainings in Diagnostic Mycology at the University of the Philippines-Manila and Clinical Dermatology at the National Skin Center-Singapore. Dr. Recio is a Board-Certified Fellow of the Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians, Philippine Academy of Medical Specialists and a Founding Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Specialists. He is an Active Member in Good Standing of the Philippine Medical Association, Manila Medical Society, Philippine College of Occupational Medicine, Philippine Association for the Study of Overweight and Obesity, International Society of Dermatology, and World Society Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Recio is presently a Consultant and Active Staff of Ygeia Medical Center in Manila. He is also a Consultant of Clinica Caritas Medical Clinics in Makati and Manila Branches. He is in private practice at REDERM Medical Center in Pasay and REDERM Skin & Spa in Infanta, Quezon and Kawit, Cavite.
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21 Years
Health & Wellness
Choose from 2 available clinics
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Monday to Friday
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Fee: P 800
Unit H Wardley Building 1991 Taft Avenue Cor. San Juan Street San Isidro, Pasay Phils 1306
Monday to Tuesday, Thursday to Friday, Sunday
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
(By Appointment)
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
(By Appointment)
Fee: P 800