Sandra Claire Macailing

Associate Psychologist

Sandra Claire Macailing

Associate Psychologist

A hardworking self-motivated professional with eight (8) years of human behavior service experience in a range of different field of Psychology. A mental health professional equipped with a tract record of success in meeting each client’s needs and expectations in a warm, sincere, and friendly manner.

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Mental Health, Addiction, Work-related stress

Mental Health



A hardworking self-motivated professional with eight (8) years of human behavior service experience in a range of different field of Psychology. A mental health professional equipped with a tract record of success in meeting each client’s needs and expectations in a warm, sincere, and friendly manner.

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Clinic Schedules

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Psychological Association of the Philippines

Philippine Mental Health Association

International Society of Substance Use Professional


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support,

Psychological First Aid,

Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment,


Psychological Association of the Philippines

Philippine Mental Health Association

International Society of Substance Use Professional