Dr. Cabodil earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Visayas State University, where she developed a strong foundation in veterinary practice and research. Her academic journey includes the authorship of multiple case studies and research projects, as well as her role as a co-author of an upcoming research publication. Dr. Cabodil’s clinical expertise was shaped through hands-on internships at a highly respected veterinary hospital in Cebu City and the Cebu City Veterinary Office. These experiences provided her with valuable exposure to high-end clinical practices and community-centered initiatives, such as mass spay and neuter programs for dogs and cats. With three years of professional experience in small animal veterinary medicine, Dr. Cabodil has established herself as a compassionate and capable practitioner. Her commitment to continuous growth ensures she remains up-to-date with advancements in veterinary care. Beyond her professional work, her personal dedication to animals is evident in her care for 25 dogs and 5 cats—a reflection of her deep passion for animal welfare. In October 2024, Dr. Cabodil achieved a significant milestone by passing the Veterinary Medicine Licensure Examination on her first attempt, a testament to her hard work and determination. Dr. Valine Cabodil exemplifies dedication, professionalism, and a genuine commitment to the field of veterinary medicine.
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Veterinary - Companion Animal Medicine
Veterinary - Small Animal Medicine
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Monday, Thursday to Sunday
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Tuesday to Wednesday
09:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Fee: P 500