Why You Need to Use an EMR

Why I’m Writing This Every doctor should be using an EMR. In fact, I think it should be required by the government just like in some other countries. I also think it should be at least introduced in medical school. I know: coming from me, it sounds biased. But hear me out first. I’ve seen […]

The Benefits of EHR Adoption

Awareness of EMR software is growing among Philippine healthcare professionals. In spite of that, a lot are still somewhat unclear as to the benefits of EHR apps. Most do have a general sense that using one is supposed to improve their work. What they don’t know is how exactly those improvements are supposed to happen. […]

3rd Annual Golden Heart Symposium

The 3rd Golden Heart Symposium took place on the 27th of July. For the many who were not able to attend the event due to the bad weather that day, we’d like to continue to help spread awareness about the ailment the symposium focused on: cerebral palsy. What Is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy or CP […]